4112 E. Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228

Ignore the Long-Term at Your Own Peril!

Every day you are on the hunt to do more business, sell more, increase your following and expand your market share. And that’s both necessary and admirable. However, don’t ignore your top of mind awareness audience (TOMA Audience) that is not ready to buy today, but surely will be when the need arises.

Your job is to be at the top of the list when the buying decision is to be made. To attain and maintain that status your brand must be both visible and memorable.

Reach out to these “gonnabe” buyers using a variety of media and messages to be the vendor of choice when it’s time to execute the order. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. It does have to be based on relationship building.

Remember that people don’t buy from companies, they buy from people. So, your message is not “buy today”, but rather a constant reminder of the value-add you bring to the relationship in trust, know-how and a genuine interest in satisfying your customers’ needs.

Polish your TOMA Audience image as the go-to person with the knowledge, experience and expertise to deliver. You have many outlets to get the word out to establish your prominence as a capable resource including the e-newsletters, traditional media, plus electronic distribution through social media and internet.

Focus on today … with a vision of tomorrow. And above all, whatever you do – make it memorable.