4112 E. Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228

Do You Want to Call or Be Called for New Business?

Studies are very clear – only 3% of your prospects and customers are ready to buy today.

And yet most advertising and promotions are directed at the 97% who are not ready to make a buying decision – yet.

Buy from us today! Special sales price! Limited time offer!And on and on.

Here’s an added dimension more likely to deliver inbound emails and phone calls from the 3% who are ripe prospects – rather than hounding the 97% who, today, could care less.

Add to your marketing mix a monthly e-newsletter to keep you top-of-mind when the buying decision is to be made. That generates TOMA (top-of-mind awareness).

E-Newsletters are not designed to solicit business today. The objective is to deliver up-to-date informative content that is perceived as valuable by your TOMA audiences. This differentiates you and your offerings in the marketplace plus catapults you above the sound-level of your competitors who are constantly hammering for the immediate sale.

That positions your brand at the top of the list when your customers are ready to buy.

So, do you want to call or be called for new business?

Not Interested Now

Getting Ready to Get Ready

Ready to Buy